After a ride on a sunny Saturday with friends, we sat down for a short espresso and a chat about "The Best go to Cyber" (a subject which has been done to death and is not what this post is about…), excellence and distinction, the values instilled in us from home and which form part of our DNA "toolbox", about leadership and competitiveness.

The values I carry with me from home center on being family-oriented and respect for others. No doubt many of you thought right off of values you grew up on – perhaps other ideals such as excellence, creativity, etc…
I tried to remember whether I implement these principles with the other riders in the pack. I've been riding (single) on and off-road for over a decade (including injuries…). I purposely didn’t want to be one of the leaders and always rode in the middle of the pack.
I know myself well and I know that I wouldn't be relaxed if I wasn't able to be aware of the others, of those who were straggling, if they needed some help (mental, professional, etc.). I feel like I need to be the connector, the "glue".
What does this say about me as a spearhead, as someone with influence, as a leader?
In fact, leadership and the act of leading do not need to position us in first place. It doesn’t need to be blatant or stated out loud. Leadership is not a synonym for aggressivity, bluntness or bitterness.
Leadership can, and should, be quiet, inclusive, respectful of others, keeping an eye out from afar. Leadership, in my view, won’t work if it doesn't realize values such as listening, partnership, inspiration and empowerment.
The values I received at home are deep-rooted. They are in our genetic make-up, whether we want it or not. They are utterly in line with my view of attentive, quiet and connective leadership; respectful guidance.
I am glad and grateful to my parents for their simultaneously quiet and empowering parenting, which placed respect for others first, followed by the rest.
These are the values I wish to instil in managers and entrepreneurs who employ my services. I am committed to continuing to help you move forward in accordance with this approach in the coming year as well.
May we all enjoy a happy, successful and challenging 2022.